Category: Life Page 11 of 13

lost, stressed, and homesick

“Welcome back,” you might say.

It has been a scant seven weeks since I moved out of Minneapolis, not enough time to judge if it was a good decision. Honestly, I’m just as torn as (if not more than) I was before I moved.

Of course, the four-day cross-country move was somewhat exhausting. Some of the scenery was spectacular, and some was not. [Spectacular: the Rockies, the Sierras, the Gateway Arch. Spectacularly depressing: Illinois, eastern Colorado, western Utah.]

My first few weeks in California were mostly spent floundering. Four days after arriving, I went on a quick, expensive, unplanned trip to San Diego that was not joyous at all times. Nick had left his car down there on a previous trip for repairs, and he asked if I’d like to go along to pick it up… after buying me a one-way plane ticket. (Under ideal circumstances, of course, I might have had the opportunity to say, “Perhaps we could go after I’ve recovered from the four-day cross-country move,” but I had no such option. I could have said no, but the fact he had already bought the ticket made that option awkward.)

I freely admit that I mostly wanted to go, since I hadn’t previously been to Southern California. I’m glad now that I’ve seen some of San Diego and L.A., if only to confirm I don’t have any desire to live there. I was blown away by the often ruggedly scenic Pacific Coast Highway on our trip north. Still, the combination of having nowhere quiet to sleep the first night (long story), sun-sickness the second day, and car sickness at a few points going up Highway 1 made the trip less than entirely pleasant. Oh, and my camera broke during the trip, so I don’t even have pictures.

When we got back to Oakland, I continued to live in the living room, which is obviously not as appropriate a situation as the English language might imply. My computer was on a very low table, making working on my portfolio site and finding a job difficult. And, of course, we were actively looking for a new place.

Making things worse, the freelance job that apparently fell in my lap while I was still in Minnesota fell out of my lap on the 10th. [Roughly a week earlier, Nick, Windy, and I signed the lease for the house in Berkeley.] The organization’s board postponed approval until their next meeting, October 15th. (Coincidentally, my next rent check is due the same day.)

I don’t mean to sound like I’m complaining, especially not about my roommates. It was gracious of Nick and Windy to share their space with me and to find a new place simply because I was moving out here. I’ve had a pretty good time going to baseball games and movies, playing Madden NFL 2003 for the PS2 (oh, evil time-sucking habit), going out for dinner, and playing nearly genuine Irish pub trivia.

Berkeley seems like a nice enough place to live, and I’ve loved the Bay Area since the first time I visited. Under the right circumstances, I know that I would love living out here.

Right now, though, I really miss the familiar. I miss being around Amber. (Since I am of course eminently missable, it’s unsurprising that she misses me as well.) I miss my friends in Minneapolis and Madison (still more numerous there than in Minneapolis), not to mention my friends in scattered regions of the country. Of course, it’s great seeing Kim & Dave, Tree, and Nick & Windy—I would never have been able to move out here without knowing a few people. And I miss my parents. Perhaps I underestimated how much I’d rather be nearer to them—at least close enough to drop by more than once a year.

I don’t think that I’m inordinately negative, in general; I usually fall somewhere between realistic and optimistic. However, maybe my feeling lost, stressed, and homesick is understandable, considering I turned my life upside down.

My decision to move might turn out for the best. At the very least, it certainly has helped me determine—or made me admit to myself—what I think is really important.

deeply tired

Well, hey. Sorry I haven’t updated the site recently. Today we finally got DSL installed after a harrowing week and a half without Internet access at home. Oh, the horrors.

I’ve been busy working on the new portfolio site and moving, moving, moving.

Moving over a long period of time is just as exhausting as moving in a couple of days, unsurprisingly; however, you don’t really notice how deeply tired you are until about six weeks into the process.

Be confident that someday soon I’ll churn out a whole two months worth of news.

after 3 days on the road

From Wednesday at 9 a.m. CDT to last night at 10 p.m. PDT, I drove from Minneapolis to Oakland (via Valley, Madison, Hartford, and Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and with the help of Nick, who drove roughly half the trip). The drive was enlightening—I feel like I know a little bit more about the country I live in—but exhausting. The highlights included Denver and the Rocky Mountain National Park; the lowlight was the entire state of Utah.

Today I’ll allow myself to take the day off, but tomorrow I have to get to work.

last days in Minneapolis

Jason at the Minnesota DNR on his last day.

Today is my last day at the Minnesota DNR.

Tomorrow is my last day in Minneapolis.

The last couple weeks have been hard. The last couple days have been harder. Somehow it’s even harder to leave here than it was to leave Madison. Maybe that’s because I’m going so much farther away from pretty much all the people I love. Maybe it’s because there’s a lot more buildup. Maybe it’s harder because, unlike when I was in Madison, I’m pretty happy with where I am professionally. I really like the people I’ve been working with at the DNR, and I really like the projects I’ve been doing on the side.

I have faith, though, that there’s good work for me to do in California too. And, damn it, it’s an adventure.

ornamental divider

Anger-inducing discovery of the day: Someone stole my rear bike wheel last night. Update: Actually, my bike wheel was not stolen. Again, a quick-release lever was stolen from my bike, this time for the rear wheel. As for the wheel itself, it took me about a day to realize that the wheel—which, at first, appeared too large for my bike—that I discovered on my front porch and tossed angrily on the (fenced-in) front lawn was, in fact, my wheel. I bought another $10 part and reattached the wheel, to my relief.

impending departures

Lots of good news today:

Not that Ventura being governor will matter much to me when I move out of Minnesota. At least my future former co-workers (?) won’t have to deal with such a hostile administration, assuming Pawlenty loses. [Update: Pawlenty won. Layoffs followed.] (And I hope not to be in a position again to be directly affected by Supreme Court decisions that protect canvassing.)

I won’t miss the way Minnesotans merge onto the freeway. Isn’t “acceleration ramp” another name for “on-ramp?” I don’t think they teach that here.

completely true

I recently unearthed a transcript of the following dialogue from the large pile that constantly occupies my desk.

Scene: 6:37 pm, 11/15/01. On a plane about to take off from Minneapolis and fly to Columbus, OH.

Hat enthusiast: Is this your hat? [displays hat he’s pulled out of the overhead compartment]

Guy on his way home from Hawaii nods.

Hat enthusiast: I’d suggest you carry it on your lap. It might get crushed if you keep it up there—I know from experience.

Guy on his way home from Hawaii: Well, it’s made it all the way from Hawaii okay.

Hat enthusiast: Well, once I get my gear up there, we’ll see if there’s any room for it.

Guy on his way home from Hawaii is speechless.

Hat enthusiast puts his gear up there.

[Completely true.]

boot and reboot were in ein Boot

This site has been “rebooted“—that is, redesigned. I was, as you may have noticed, on the way to doing so anyway. Yes, though I have much else to say, and do, I finished redesigning the site and joined many other web designers in the “community event” known as “Reboot.” I needed to do it anyway; I simply used the Reboot “event” as a catalyst.

Last year, Reboot was much more obviously corporately sponsored (as I noted), which would normally make me think twice about participating. I thought about launching early in protest, but what’s 5 hours…?

ornamental divider

Say, what do I owe you? Not that I’m obligated to write about anything, but here’s a synopsis of what I might have written about last month:

  • My love for the band Of Montreal is so great I would physically fight for them
  • My admiration of Las Vegas has waned; however, the Grand Canyon is humbling and awe-inspiring
  • Minnesota’s weather is more dysfunctional than corporate America
  • My softball team is as bad this year as it was last spring

(Really, why say more?)

ornamental divider

Harvested from MetaFilter: “Things my girlfriend and I have argued about,” by Mil Millington, is pretty damn hilarious. [Note: the URL that used to be linked here was “”. How far Mil has come.]

act now and earn the right

Tonight I pledged to invest $100 in the Montreal Expos if my future co-owners can scrape $100 million together to buy the team. Hell, why not? It’s a small price to pay to be in the exclusive fraternity of major league baseball owners. Sign yourself up for any amount—be a part of history! Via Alan Schwartz on ESPN:

At its current rate of growth the kitty will crack $500,000 by the end of the month and hit the magic $100 million mark in late March.

See? It’s a foregone conclusion. Act now and earn the right to say you were one of the first 100,000.

ornamental divider

DNR redesign ad

We opened the floodgates today at work—we added a link to the “public preview” (i.e. unfinished version) of the new [former] DNR web site on the current home page. I’ll keep you posted as to my favorite comments, such as:

It’s obvious you folks have put a lot of time and effort into this. … [However,] [i]t seems like we lost a lot of information that was on the previous home page without a benefit gained in terms of a less cluttered look.

State e-mail is public information, by law; posting it here might be seen as inappropriate, though. Oh, well.

ornamental divider

Chris Ware and Ira Glass were splendid Monday night, by the way. They conversed about their work in a very entertaining fashion for almost 3 hours; afterwards, they graciously signed autographs for an hour. The Breeders were pretty good on Wednesday night, too.

ornamental divider

Tomorrow I’ve got a union thing—a strike debriefing from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm. Hope it’s better than it sounds. Actually, it’s important to record some lessons for any future rerun of last October’s unpleasantness.

one big goal

Cripes, another 2-week lapse! Time flies. Sorry.

I guess I’ve been busy doing outside writing, buying CDs, and seeing movies that can be described as original (Gosford Park was well worth seeing, and rent Manny & Lo and Oscar and Lucinda).

* * *

Just found another local weblog… Laurel Krahn‘s the real deal. She’s been weblogging in Minneapolis since 1998. I’m sort of curious who’s doing the same thing I’m doing in roughly the same location I’m doing it. I mean, I’ve hardly bothered to get to know anyone here…. perhaps I’ll run across someone I have something in common with (that’s less superficial than location and hobby).

* * *

Every year at about this time I come up with a list of goals for the upcoming year, and attempt to gauge how much I’ve accomplished in the previous year. I’m not going to burden you with the details, but I will mention that the first one is this:

  1. Move to California by September.

Yep, and I’m serious about it. I’ve been talking about moving to California, specifically the San Francisco Bay Area, since before I graduated from college. I held myself back in 1998, though, because of my lingering, slow-to-die tendency to take the path of least resistance. I already had a job pretty much lined up in Madison at the time, and I had lots of friends there, etc. So I never scraped together the guts to make a change so big. Of course, 2 years later, I acted quite impulsively when I found myself getting in a rut, and it’s too bad I didn’t move to a city with more to offer. Anyway, 2 more years later, I’m ready to try something new, and circumstances are favorable. Astrologically and otherwise.

I am somewhat uncertain about writing on this site about moving, since people at work are aware of its existence. But I don’t think they really look at it very often. I guess I’ll find out, won’t I? It is genuinely true that one of the bigger reasons to stay here is that I genuinely like my (stable, challenging, interesting) job (in which I have a lot of freedom and am compensated well). I also have to consider that I’ll be much farther from all but 4 people that I’ve met in this world.

Anyway, I’ve been looking for personal writing on the web about either moving to San Francisco or moving out of Minneapolis. Not a lot out there, but here are a few sites that are interesting:

  • Planet Soma: this guy is somewhat jaded, having lived in SF for 10 years; he says San Francisco is “the most overrated city in America.” His objections about the place are either not that bad, irrelevant to me, or are trade-offs I already knew about. For example, no place could be as corporate as Minneapolis. SF may be more corporate than it once was (and, sure, stay out of the tourist traps), but it’s certainly better than here. And he says it’s hard to find a place to park. Fine, I’ll get rid of my car—I hate driving anyway! I would love to live in a city with good public transit. Anyway, it’s good reading.
  • Alfredo Jacobo Perez Gomez loves San Francisco. This balances the last view. Check out his neighborhood photo tours. San Francisco and the surrounding area are really gorgeous.
  • Apparently indispensable is craigslist.

Here’s my rationale: What’s the point of life if you don’t try new things and go where you want to go? I can always come back to the Midwest. It’s really worth it to me at this stage in my life. Plus nothing is set in stone right now. It’s just important to me to start really seriously considering it.

* * *

Oh, yeah, two more sites that fail the test/test test (“t3” from now on [heh]): the state “portals” of both California and North Carolina. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this, but I’ve been one of many committee members peripherally involved with the design of the new State of Minnesota site (of course, I’ve skipped the last few meetings since I’ve been so busy with the DNR redesign), which is what made me think of checking those sites.

Top Ten of 2001

As this very strange year comes to an end, I believe it’s entirely appropriate for me to compose my year-end Top Ten List. I’ve decided to end the year focusing on the positive. Maybe I should break it out into categories, but I’m just too lazy.

  1. Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring twice in one weekend, with Nick and the gang on Sunday
  1. Surviving the year despite one or more incidents in which being in a car could have gotten me killed
  1. Hearing that my brother was hired as a police officer in North Carolina
  1. Seeing a baseball game in Milwaukee with my brother (and spending time with my mom, and my dad, and the rest of my family, the rest of the year)
  1. Enjoying the Land of Evermor in Baraboo, Wisconsin with Amber
  1. Discovering new (to me) music by Built to Spill, Quasi, Death Cab for Cutie, Guided by Voices (um, and, oh yeah, seeing the Minders and Of Montreal in separate shows)
  1. Visiting Seattle in the summer, and seeing Jonathan (and going to the web design conference, at which I got to meet Zeldman briefly)
  1. Launching
  1. Trekking out to Ohio for the Sloan shows in Detroit and (especially) Cleveland, and road-tripping with Will
  1. Enjoying a sunny, lazy day at San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park in early April with Amber

Barely missed the top 10: my summer road trip to Chicago and Columbus; the end of the state employee strike; finishing the design, though not the production, of the new Minnesota DNR web site. Fairly far off the top 10: shaving off my six-month-experiment full beard (but that was a good thing—believe me).

Happy new year, everyone. See you in 2002.

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