Author: Jason L. Gohlke Page 28 of 45


Oh, that’s the guy Bush is nominating for Attorney General. From the New York Times (emphasis added):

[Alberto] Gonzales was the author of one of the most contentious memorandums to surface in the furor that followed the disclosure of abuses at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. In a draft memorandum to Mr. Bush in early 2002, he wrote that the fight against terrorism had rendered the Geneva Conventions “obsolete” in so far as those international accords safeguarded the way people suspected of terrorism should be interrogated. He also wrote that the conventions were “quaint” in that they afforded prisoners privileges like athletic uniforms and commissary rights.

While it remains unclear whether the memorandum ever reached a final form, the tone and breadth of it reflected the sweep of Mr. Gonzales’s legal thinking and what appears to be his willingness to adopt highly aggressive interpretations of the law in the fight against terrorism.

making the rounds

These are making the rounds:

Jon Stewart on Crossfire, if you haven’t seen it.

Must-read: Bush’s particular brand of faith and how it relates to the “reality-based community”. Frightening and compelling.

Life in the Bay Area

Life in the Bay Area

A series of 3 vignettes

Life in the Bay Area, Part I

Thursday, I showed up to work on time.

I need an infinite number of hours and monkeys

Because I haven’t done laundry in a while, and was sweaty from biking, I changed into my NaNoWriMo shirt yesterday immediately before my East Bay for Democracy (DFA) meetup. Subsequent conversations make it likely that I might throw my hat into the ring again for NaNoWriMo 2004. [I didn’t.]

I like the format for this blog so much better than the one I use for my main blog. I should change the formatting of the main one. (Of course, I haven’t made time to update that blog in six weeks; what makes me think I’m going to reformat the whole thing?) I need an infinite number of hours and monkeys.

Despite what I said in my last NaNoWriMo entry, I think November is actually a good time to write a novel–especially if you don’t plan to travel anywhere over the long Thanksgiving weekend. I think I’ll start spurring my subconscious to come up with characters.

[Note: a form of this blog entry originally appeared in my November 2002 NaNoWriMo blog, “Notes on the Text,” which chronicled my poor, solitary attempt to write a novel. I’ve now moved all of those entries into the “Imagine a Novel Weblog” category of this blog.]

other people’s words

Scout‘s post and Bob Harris‘ post on This Modern World follow my last one nicely. (And frighteningly.)

what’s black and white and Rove all over?

I’ve been saying for a couple months that I give November’s election a 50-50 chance of actually happening [I wish I’d posted it on this site], and look: from Yahoo and from CNN. So if the Bushies can’t win it, they’re going to cancel it?

If this doesn’t have Karl Rove’s name written all over it, I don’t know what does.


Wow, it’s already July 3rd. I spent much of June preparing to move, which ended successfully. I now have a one-bedroom apartment in downtown Oakland, just 7/10 of a mile from work, more convenient to public transportation (about the same distance from the TransBay bus, and much closer to BART), and no longer on a hill. No roommates, also, for the first time ever. Freedom! (Well, of course, I have to make sure not to annoy my neighbors in this 30-something-unit building.) I need to get a few things to make it a truly functional place, such as, among many other things, lighting for the living room, but eventually it will be pretty much ideal. I plan on staying for a while.

some more links

Elena’s Motorcyle Ride through Chernobyl: “a story about town where one can ride with no stoplights, no police, no danger to hit some cage or some dog.” (via Bob the Angry Flower.)

MPPS: The Mobile Phone Photography Show.

Chris Murphy’s glasses.

Sifl and Olly—ROCK!


Mmmm… cake.


Claim vs. Fact: Condoleeza Rice. A must-read.

ornamental divider

It’s not that I’ve been too busy to update, though in some ways I have. The biggest reason for my non-loquaciousness is that my monitor stopped working. Therefore, I haven’t had access to my computer in the last few weeks. The stopgap solutions haven’t worked, so I plan to buy a new monitor; I’ll probably bus down to CompUSA and buy another 17-inch CRT (the cheapest solution backed by warranty and not requiring shipping charges). Fun.

It’s my niece’s first birthday today. Yay!

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