Author: Jason L. Gohlke Page 26 of 45

WordPress is awesome.

I’m going to be able to administer everything using the WordPress interface, including all of the pages that are not blog pages, and my list of links.

I’m pretty psyched about that. This thing is getting closer and closer to launch. Maybe this weekend.

What’s up with Gohlkus Maximus?

Oh, well, you know.

I’m finally finishing the WordPress template. I’ve had the redesign done for about six months (enough time to start questioning some aspects of it).

Beyond redesigning (which I actually haven’t done in about 3 years), the main reason to install WordPress is to allow me to simply post entries to the blog without having to muck around with creating a new html file every time the month changes—which of course will remove a huge barrier to writing more often.

viral ideas and overused typefaces….

Seth Godin’s thoughts on the topic of viral ideas.

Helvetica: The Movie! This would be the shirt to wear to a showing. Via Typographica, a journal of typography. Another good type blog.

Balancing the day job with freelance work

This article brings up some interesting points. As I look towards the possibility of doing more freelance work with an eye towards becoming independent of a full-time job (or at least building up the portfolio so I can get a better full-time job in a more creative atmosphere that pays better), these are some issues I’ll have to tackle. Great footnotes and discussion as well.

In fact, from the footnotes: Barbara Kruger Graphic Standards Manual. Ha!

WordPress has been installed.

Oh, just wait. I will now start posting to my site. Just you watch.

“Lane Courtesy”—what a concept

Via The Capricious Commuter: The National Motorists Association has declared June National Lane Courtesy Month. I’ve written about how Minnesotans don’t relinquish the left lane to people who come up behind them who are driving faster than they are. (Californians are even worse, and Wisconsinites are completely unpredictable.) So here it is: a group that believes, “The lane courtesy ethic must be reinvigorated, promoted, and recognized for the contribution it can make toward safer, faster and more enjoyable travel.” Yes! (I’m not sure I agree with everything they stand for, but I’m certainly in favor of more “driver-to-driver courtesy.”)

Of course, I think it’s extremely unrealistic to expect people in this country to truly understand the ripple effects of their individual behavior. But we can dream.

[the living web is hibernating here]

Since I never do this, I thought I’d link to a how-to article to inspire myself: 10 tips on writing the living web. An ideal to aspire to.

walking precincts and taking off the pounds

Hey. I’ve been busy.

I’ve lost about 18 pounds or so in the last 3 months and one day that I’ve been doing the South Beach Diet thing. I have plateaued a little bit after some relatively rapid initial weight loss, but I’m keeping it all off. I think the key now is exercise. The trend overall for my health seems to be good.

why you’d want to live here

Let’s see…. In March went to San Diego for the World Baseball Classic; that was cool. Driving through LA sucked, but, you know, it was a nice reminder of why not to live there. I had a nice lunch with Chris Gandhi in Pasadena, which was the main reason I failed to get the car back before the rental office closed. It was pretty much worth it.

a big day

I just put up a ton of photos on Flickr. It’s less bandwidth-heavy than hosting all of my photos on this site, certainly easier to upload, and probably easier to navigate. If the tools are there, why not use them?

I’m posting this at 5 am. Haven’t gone to sleep yet. But I have a big day today—I am going to Oakland Fan Fest at the Coliseum from 10 am to 4 pm and then going to see Of Montreal at Bottom of the Hill later tonight.

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