Author: Jason L. Gohlke Page 24 of 45

Politics and Me

I initially intended to write this as part of my “other projects” page. When I noticed how long it was getting, however, I realized (to my astonishment) that I was actually writing a blog entry.

I have decided to stop doing politics outside of work. Though that decision may be a big surprise to some people, it’s what I need to do now, and maybe permanently.

The Aargh Page

Wow, pretty self-explanatory, perhaps: The Aargh Page. It’s not exactly currently accurate, but that’s okay. I’m just really glad someone came up with this idea and executed it.

The A’s-Brewers connection

According to Four Blocks to Miller Park, a Milwaukee Brewers blog, there’s a connection between my two favorite baseball teams (the Brewers and the Oakland A’s) that I hadn’t previously considered:

…if it weren’t for the Royals, or more specifically, Charley O. Finley’s screwing of Kansas City (by unceremoniously yanking the A’s out of town) that compelled the American League to grant the city the expansion Royals, it’s a safe bet the Brewers would not exist (the only reason the American League okayed the risky venture that was the original Seattle franchise was to create schedule balance).

I don’t know if it’s true, but it’s interesting.

Jason’s birthday has an agenda

Jason’s Birthday has an agenda

What I’ve been up to.

I uploaded a bunch of photos just now that you should look at, if you want to see what I’ve been up to. A few from my current trip to Philadelphia, and a bunch of photos from when my mom was in town.

Who would make the best President?

Okay, this is long, but here’s what Steve Kirsch, MIT-educated multi-millionaire founder of Infoseek and other things (also, his foundation contributes to my employer), thinks about who would make the best President.

Obviously one condition of my linking to it is that it just happens to reflect my preference for John Edwards….

“We’re not daunted.”

Before a tough road trip, Brewers manager Ned Yost:

“We’re not daunted.”

After the Brewers went 5-13:

“It was daunting. It wasn’t daunting at the time but it proved to be daunting.”

Microsoft is (again) wrong

Hypercorrection happens.

bad grammar

A List Apart: Web Design Survey

Web Survey Button

Okay, well, probably not a lot of web designers visit my blog. (Probably not a lot of people in general visit my blog.) But I’ll link to this to increase its traffic.

A List Apart, my favorite online magazine for people who make the web, is conducting a Web Design survey. They say that it:

… will help us form a picture of the ways web design is practiced around the globe. We hope that making this data available will have a positive effect on best practices and employment, and will enhance public understanding of, and respect for, our profession.

So — if any part of your job is web design, take the survey!

Deaniacs for Edwards

So I went to the California Democratic Convention in San Diego last weekend. It was a productive experience… I networked with some people, got to see most of the Democratic presidential candidates speak, and got a resolution that I wrote passed on the convention floor (and did almost no promotion for — meaning it passed solely on merit, which is kind of cool).

[This paragraph didn’t age well, but we all make mistakes. – JG, 5/29/21] I went to the convention already having committed to supporting John Edwards, and my conviction that he should be the next President of the United States has only strengthened. However, I know a lot of people went in with an open mind. One friend of mine, fellow delegate, and fellow DFA’er (Dean for America and Democracy for America) Dan Wood, decided during Edwards’ speech that he was now on board with Edwards ’08. So here he’s already gone and started Deaniacs for Edwards. What an achiever! I’m impressed and humbled by his insanely efficient effectiveness.

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