Author: Jason L. Gohlke Page 19 of 45

comics & illustration

“Will the New Yorker give equal time to unfair McCain smears?”

Ira Glass on getting creative work done


Snorg Tees. These are cute.

Chicks Dig Moneyball

Boobs for Barack (the site was down, last I checked)

Links of the day

Interrogating Errol Morris

Heartbreaking Kerry ads by Errol Morris (and about the Interrotron)

Random interview with a cable car brakeman

John Milton reading room

Brainwash Movie Festival – July 25th & 26th – Oakland

Check out the mildly embarrassing trailer Dave and I updated last night for the 14th Annual Drive-in/Walk-in/Bike-in Brainwash Movie Festival (7/25-26, 9 pm-11 pm, 1357 5th St in Oakland, $9 each night):

Oops, no longer available:

[hmm, I wonder if I still have copies of these on an external hard drive that happens to still work]

I know, it’s all over the place, to put it mildly. But it establishes the precise level of quality and weirdness Brainwash has honed over the last thirteen-plus years.

(The old version had previews of movies from previous years instead of this year.)

I encourage you to come to the festival if you’re anywhere near the Bay Area. This year we’re featuring a solid crop of weird and funny shorts (none longer than 23 minutes), often with the famed “Brainwash twist” — and it’s a good deal. Bring your FM radio, and feel free to drive in, walk in (via BART, most likely), or bike in.

[We could also use help setting up the screen…. let me know if you’re interested in some hard physical labor (with the offer of free dinner and/or pizza during or afterwards). Looks like it’s going to be Tuesday night after work. The more the merrier.]

There’s lots more at

Twitterfeed is go.

Okay, well, now I’m giving myself a reason to have a Twitter account, and for anyone to follow me on Twitter: As of now, this humble blog’s feed is now going to be pushed to Twitter via twitterfeed. It only makes sense. (Method copied shamelessly from Aziz.)

Just in time for Netroots Nation.

Driving alone at 2 am at the Mall of America — on Christmas

So I’m finally posting this raw footage, roughly cut together, from the very end of my trip to Minneapolis at Christmas 2006. Enjoy?

I was very tired.

Which NFL franchise is the best?

Football fans reading this blog can enjoy this article instead of working today.

They rank the 32 NFL franchises based on their all-time records. An ambitious task indeed. You’ll never guess who’s #1.
(Hint: I might not have posted this if I hadn’t been in agreement with it.)

(Non-football fans, you can safely ignore this article.)

Now, back to work.

“An Honor That Bush Is Unlikely to Embrace”

If only I lived in San Francisco, so I could vote for the George W. Bush Sewage Plant.

The Long Now Foundation – “of the deep future, for the deep future.”

I just heard about The Long Now Foundation (via this interview about innovation, which in itself is worth reading, via the interviewer).

From the Long Now website:

The Long Now Foundation was established in 01996* to develop the Clock and Library projects, as well as to become the seed of a very long term cultural institution. The Long Now Foundation hopes to provide counterpoint to today’s “faster/cheaper” mind set and promote “slower/better” thinking. We hope to creatively foster responsibility in the framework of the next 10,000 years.

The point is to explore whatever may be helpful for thinking, understanding, and acting responsibly over long periods of time.

[Footnote:] * The Long Now Foundation uses five digit dates, [sic] the extra zero is to solve the deca-millennium bug which will come into effect in about 8,000 years.

The organization’s board members include the illustrious Brian Eno.

I like the idea. Despite everything, hope and an overdeveloped sense of duty to try to make things better are two things that the world probably isn’t going to destroy in me.

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