Author: Jason L. Gohlke Page 14 of 45

The Dangerous Panic On The Far Right

via The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan (October 10, 2008) – The Dangerous Panic On The Far Right:

This is a moment of maximal physical danger for the young Democratic nominee. And McCain is playing with fire. If he really wants to put country first, he will attack Obama on his policies – not on these inflammatory, personal, creepy grounds. This is getting close to the atmosphere stoked by the Israeli far right before the assassination of Rabin.

For God’s sake, McCain, stop it. For once in this campaign, put your country first.

Thank God for Glenn Greenwald

Glenn Greenwald is doing some incredibly important reporting on — keeping the federal government accountable in a way that more reporters should be doing.

Guess what? What a surprise: The feds have been eavesdropping on (from the article) “American citizens who had absolutely nothing to do with terrorism.”

Angry, self-centered power monger John McCain

“After a week of bile”

“Is McCain serious about Ayers… No” and a response from Time

Etc., etc.

It’s incredible to me that the McCain campaign would sink this low. I shouldn’t be surprised, because this is the Republican party we’re talking about, and it’s just gotten worse and worse in my lifetime.

I guess the illusion that John McCain worked so hard to create during the first 30 years of his political career — that he was somehow above the down-and-dirty realities of American politics — has been completely shattered now, and he’s left looking like an angry, self-centered, spoiled powermonger who will do anything to either achieve the highest office in the land or leave a path of death and destruction in his wake.

(Edit: Oh, but, this is odd: McCain tries to put the genie back in the bottle.)

“The Dangerous Panic On The Far Right”

via The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan (October 10, 2008) – The Dangerous Panic On The Far Right:

This is a moment of maximal physical danger for the young Democratic nominee. And McCain is playing with fire. If he really wants to put country first, he will attack Obama on his policies – not on these inflammatory, personal, creepy grounds. This is getting close to the atmosphere stoked by the Israeli far right before the assassination of Rabin.

For God’s sake, McCain, stop it. For once in this campaign, put your country first.

(Andrew Sullivan has been described as a classical libertarian conservative, by the way.)

Mad Dog Palin : Rolling Stone

Mad Dog Palin : Rolling Stone.

Mystery, Alaska

An article by David Gargill that “examine[s] the roots of Sarah Palin’s spectacular and sudden ascent from the depths of obscurity to the heat of the national spotlight.” A little breathless. Published in the United Arab Emirates for some reason

McCain really CAN crash and burn

“My fellow prisoners”???

Make-Believe Maverick : Rolling Stone

Read this article about John McCain: Make-Believe Maverick : Rolling Stone.

A Town Hall About Nothing – Real Clear Politics – Elections 2008 – TIME

A Town Hall About Nothing – Real Clear Politics – Elections 2008 – TIME.

My thoughts on Debate #2, while it happened *

I wonder how many more times John McCain is going to say, “I know how to do that,” or refer back to the ’80s, or say “my friends” tonight. 6:27pm

I think I just heard McCain call Obama “that one.” 6:50pm

Uh, oh, here it comes. 7:14pm

I can’t believe he pulled out the “a ‘K,’ a ‘G,’ and a ‘B'” line again! It was lame the first time. 7:20pm

(Maybe he forgot he said it last time.) 7:21pm

I think you, too, should check out the comments on You decide. 7:42pm

I laugh at Pat Buchanan claiming McCain came in with “more heart, and more fight”. MSNBC’s token Republican. At least he’s repeating “Bomb, bomb Iran”…. 7:44pm

I am wondering why Brian Williams just said on NBC that there’s “one month” left until the election, when it’s FOUR WEEKS from now on November 4th. (Not a month!) 8:00pm

(I think Tom Brokaw said it at the end of the debate as well, actually…) – 8:01pm

I am done liveblogging (livestatusmessaging?) the debate, to the relief of all, my friends. 8:01p

*(this material originally appeared in a slightly modified form on Facebook)

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