Me, today: “It’s hard to say ‘Kafka’ with chips in your mouth.”
Author: Jason L. Gohlke Page 11 of 45
I’m too angry to write about this, but I can’t let it go without note.
I’ll leave it to the esteemed Glenn Greenwald to explain the Bush-era documents that the Obama administration released yesterday detailing the regime of secret laws and memos the Bush administration used to rule the country (you know, instead of the Constitution or the Bill of Rights).
Greenwald writes:
It’s somewhat surreal to witness — now that George Bush is out of office — the avalanche of establishment media reports suddenly acknowledging today, rather explicitly, how radical and lawless his presidency was, as though we only learned of that this week with the release of these memos. As the commenters to Michael Scherer’s Time post point out, there were people who have spent the last several years documenting that and trying to sound the alarm over it, yet were largely dismissed as shrill unSerious partisan “leftists” and “civil liberties extremists.” I suppose it’s acceptable to observe these facts now that Bush is no longer the President (this happened in the “past”) and the evidence for all of it is rubbed so unavoidably in our faces that denial is no longer possible.
Okay, sure, all this stuff is old news. But someone might not know.
Anyway, I was just pointed to, home of the Error Message Generator, Street Party Sign Generator, Highway Sign Generator, Gas Station Sign Generator, etc. The Wheel of Fortune puzzle generator is particularly amusing.
It’s similar to, which I already knew about (where you can generate church signs, movie marquees, vinyl records, bank signs, football jerseys, etc.), but different.
The humor potential is limitless. Also, we’re doomed.
Okay, so I saw “President, Please” on DailyKos, which means it’s automatically dunzo (as is, strangely enough, “dunzo”).
But I’m fine with being slightly behind the times, because I’m still ahead of 99.375% of everybody else.
Despite Oakland A’s third baseman Eric Chavez’s attempt to support his teammate, “come back” and “have a great year” do NOT belong in the same sentence when it comes to Bobby Crosby.
Other than hitting 22 homers in his Rookie of the Year season, Crosby has never put up numbers anything better than pedestrian. So how can he “come back” if he basically hasn’t done anything?
Assuming he stays on the active roster, he’ll continue to hear the awesome derisive cheer my friend Nick W. has honed at a couple of dozen games during the last season or two.
Of course, Chavvy has every reason to be optimistic about his teammate’s chances of having a good year, because he himself is due for a big year. Both of these guys have been injured multiple times.
But, hey — these guys are on my adoptive home team, the A’s. I want them to do well. I just don’t think the chances are that great.
Yes, I am writing about baseball. Spring training has started. My World Baseball Classic semi-final and final ticket strips (to be held in Los Angeles in March) were delivered to my apartment today. And 27 A’s games (to which I have a ticket) aren’t far behind.
As many times as I’ve considered stopping following pro sports, I haven’t and probably won’t anytime soon. Going to baseball games relaxes me, and sports serves as one of the great social lubricants of our time. So – take me out to the ballgame. Take me out with the crowd. And so on.
I also sent in some money and “joined” Uni Watch today. Yes, I’m a dork.
[This is another in my new and, I hope, long-lived series of “if it rates a comment on another site, then it surely rates a blog entry” posts.]
“When Co-workers Argue” (has an appropriately whimsical tone)
“When Co-workers Attack” (probably a little too serious)
An Evening with Lawrence Lessig, founder of Change Congress.
Wish I had heard about this before it happened. I don’t know how I didn’t. But I was out of town anyway.