This site has been “rebooted“—that is, redesigned. I was, as you may have noticed, on the way to doing so anyway. Yes, though I have much else to say, and do, I finished redesigning the site and joined many other web designers in the “community event” known as “Reboot.” I needed to do it anyway; I simply used the Reboot “event” as a catalyst.
Last year, Reboot was much more obviously corporately sponsored (as I noted), which would normally make me think twice about participating. I thought about launching early in protest, but what’s 5 hours…?

Say, what do I owe you? Not that I’m obligated to write about anything, but here’s a synopsis of what I might have written about last month:
- My love for the band Of Montreal is so great I would physically fight for them
- My admiration of Las Vegas has waned; however, the Grand Canyon is humbling and awe-inspiring
- Minnesota’s weather is more dysfunctional than corporate America
- My softball team is as bad this year as it was last spring
(Really, why say more?)

Harvested from MetaFilter: “Things my girlfriend and I have argued about,” by Mil Millington, is pretty damn hilarious. [Note: the URL that used to be linked here was “”. How far Mil has come.]