Incredible. It’s the last day of June, and Minnesota has failed to pass a tax bill and seven spending bills.1 What this means is that, unless something miraculous happens tomorrow, the state of Minnesota will shut down for the first time in its history.
Incredible. It’s the last day of June, and Minnesota’s legislators managed to pass a tax bill and seven spending bills.2 What this means is that, unless something bizarre happens, I will still have a job when I come back—no interruption in pay will be necessary! And that is good, for I need to get paid to live. And I want to live—I do.
(Incidentally, I won’t be going to work [Monday]. Of course, I’ll be on my way to Columbus, Ohio no matter what happens.)
1 This was all speculation written before the fact. I have no idea whether this prediction will come true or not. [It didn’t.] This idea seems to have been subconsciously inspired by Esquire’s semi-fictional profile of Michael Stipe.
2 I like this version, the real one, better.